Top Ethical Hacking Practice Resource Labs
7 minute read
I bring to your attention a selection of sites for the practice of hacking. We have collected the most famous projects here.
Let's go!
1. bWAPP
bWAPP stands for Buggy Web Application. This resource is open source specifically to show what an unsafe web resource looks like. It was created by a developer named Malik Messelem. This web app contains over 100 common problems covered in Owasp Top 10.
bWAPP is built in PHP using MySQL. For more advanced bWAPP users, the developers offer bee-box, a Linux virtual machine that comes with bWAPP pre-installed.
2. Damn Vulnerable IOS App (DVIA)
DVIA was developed as an insecure mobile app running iOS 7 and above. For mobile developers, this platform is especially useful because there are very few sites for ethical hacking of mobile applications.
3. Google Gruyere
This site is full of holes and is intended for those just starting to learn about application security.
With the help of the site you will learn:
- how hackers find security vulnerabilities
- how hackers use web applications
- how to stop hackers from finding and exploiting vulnerabilities
“Unfortunately, Gruyere has several security bugs, ranging from cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery to information disclosure, denial of service, and remote code execution,” the website says. "The purpose of this web application is to help you discover some of these errors and learn how to fix them both in Gruyere and in practice."
4. Hack This Site
Hack This Site is a place for anyone looking to practice ethical hacking. This resource contains hacker news, articles, forums, tutorials, and the creators' drive to teach users ethical hacking with skills developed through various tasks.
5. Hellbound Hackers
Hellbound Hacker is a hands-on approach to computer security. This resource offers a wide range of issues to teach how to identify and eliminate exploits. Hellbound Hackers is one of the best sites for ethical hacking practice, covering a wide range of topics from encryption and hacking to social engineering. With 100,000 registered users, it is also one of the largest hacking communities.
6. HackMe
Foundstone is an ethical hacking practice led by McAfee. The company launched in 2006 a series of websites aimed at penetration testers and security professionals looking to improve their skills. Each simulated application offers a real challenge built on real vulnerabilities. From mobile banking apps to booking apps. These projects cover a wide range of security issues to help any information security professional stay one step ahead of hackers.
7. OWASP Mutillidae II
Another OWASP project is on our list. Mutillidae is a vulnerable web application built for Linux and Windows. The project is a set of PHP scripts containing the ten most common vulnerabilities according to OWASP. Also, the resource is not deprived of tips to help users in the initial stages.
8. OverTheWire
OverTheWire is great for developers and security professionals of all levels. This practice comes in the form of a fun war - players must start at the "bandit" level where the basics are taught. The more you practice, the higher the level you will reach. With each new level, tasks become more and more difficult, and solutions become more confusing and confusing.
9. OWASP Juice Shop
OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application! It can be used in security trainings, awareness demos, CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools! Juice Shop encompasses vulnerabilities from the entire OWASP Top Ten along with many other security flaws found in real-world applications!10. Peruggia
Peruggia is a secure environment for developers and security professionals. It allows you to study and test common attacks against web applications. Peruggia is a bit like an archive of projects, where you can download one of them to learn how to find and limit potential problems and threats.
11. Root Me
Root Me is a great way to test yourself, improve your ethical hacking skills, and improve your web security knowledge with over 200 different tasks.
12. Try2Hack
This resource is considered one of the oldest for ethical hacking practice. Try2Hack only offers a small fraction of all the security concerns. The game features various levels that are sorted by difficulty. All tasks are completed in such a way that you feel comfortable practicing ethical hacking.
13. WebGoat
One of the most popular OWASP projects is WebGoat. This application creates a realistic learning environment with lessons designed to educate users on complex application security issues. WebGoat is for developers looking to learn more about web application security. WebGoat's watchword is: “Even the best programmers make security mistakes. They need a scapegoat, right? Just blame the goat for this! "
The project is available for installation on Windows, OSX Tiger, and Linux. Has separate downloads for J2EE and .NET environments. There is a simple version as well as a source distribution version that allows users to modify the source code.
14. Hackademic
This open-source OWASP project offers ten realistic scenarios full of known vulnerabilities. The site is for those who want to hone their attack skills. Hackademic is great for educational purposes. Also, developers are generously rewarded for introducing new scenarios and vulnerabilities.
15. SlaveHack
SlaveHack is a multiplayer hacker simulator. In this game, you can play either defense or attack. The goal of the game is to control the software and hardware and take over compromised or protected computers, depending on which side you play. SlaveHack doesn't really require hacking skills, but it is still on our TOP because it can help security professionals see their systems from the other side. The SlaveHack forum was created so that players help each other with difficult tasks, as well as just for communication.
16. Hackxor
This game is made for the practice of hacking web applications. It offers several levels as an online version and more advanced levels as a downloadable full version. Players can even play the Black hat hacker scenario (the challenge is to track down another hacker by any means possible).
17. Moth
A moth is a VMware image with a set of vulnerable web applications and scripts. Moth was originally designed as a way to test AppSec, but it's now a great place to practice ethical hacking and see what vulnerabilities can be identified.
Here you can find 26 challenges to test your hacking and reverse engineering skills. The site has not been updated since late 2012, but the tasks at hand are still valuable learning resources.
W3Challs is a multi-tasking learning platform in various categories including hacking, wargaming, forensics, cryptography, steganography, and programming. The goal of the platform is to provide realistic challenges. You get points depending on the complexity of the problem solved. There is also a forum where you can discuss and solve problems with other members.
Game of Hacks shows you a set of code snippets as a multi-choice quiz, and you must identify the correct vulnerability in the code. This site stands out a bit from this list, but nevertheless, it's a good game to spot vulnerabilities in your code.
While CTFtime is not a hacking site like the others on this list, it is a great resource to stay up to date with CTF competitions taking place around the world. So if you are interested in joining a CTF team or taking part in a competition, you should take a look here.
PentesterLab is an easy and convenient way to learn pentesting. The site provides vulnerable systems that can be used to test and study vulnerabilities. In practice, you can work with real vulnerabilities both online and offline. However, online access is open only to those who have a PentesterLab Pro subscription, which costs $ 19.99 per month or $ 199.99 per year.
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